Saturday, August 16, 2008


Rain, or rather rains filled all the Delhi, all the roads, all the view from the cabs window, and my memories. Sky, from blue had taken all the colors of black… grey, silver, dark and the color of drizzle. What I was seeing was not very far from me, a world so near and yet so distant. A world moving so fast and yet so still. Cab was running faster than thoughts, faster than the near and far world.
Rains are so much related with memories, I thought so hard but could not find the reason why summer, winter, spring are not associated with it. Strange!
It was all grey, the world outside and inside..It poured heavily. What was I thinking? Nothing. I never had the power to think. To think, body has to undergo a lot of chemical reactions, and of course a lot of brainy stuff plus what not! And I had none, no capacity to think, let even contain myself, my thoughts.
Every drop is added to the puddle of water lying everywhere. A dry road would first turn dark when first shower comes. Slowly it starts flowing and then it has collected on some place where it would find some space. What am I talking? Water, of course. And then more would come, filling up every nook and corner. It is so demanding, that until you are not drenched up, or at least wet, wet to your soul, till than it would not stop. And once you have felt it. It will come again for you. And second time its more harder. This time nobody escapes. And than it will come over and over again, until it is not satisfied.
Have you every had a vision? Go on top of a building, a high-rise in your town. From the roof you should be able to see whole of the city on clear night. Now go to that roof-top on a day when it has rained for days, and it is still raining, raining heavily. Please do not take any raincoats, umbrella or ant other protection, this can seriously harm you. Any attempt with raincoats etc is insanity. Reach for the edge, let the monsoon be in you, feel the cold water in every bone, in every shiver you feel. Let every drop hit you, let every cloud to get inside you breath, you lungs, your body. Now see the world. Remember the rains should be very heavy, else you will lose everything. Now did you see the world. What is it? Grey? An outline of everything? No definite images? And what do we feel? Cold? Shiver? No, this is what I call vision, nothing definite, but cold, not rational, but still in front of you, on the edge.