Saturday, November 15, 2008


“It all seems like a dream”, I heard ma saying, when we were watching the photo albums.
I came to Delhi for the search of a job, and so it seemed, like yesterday, and like a dream. And I never knew I would change so much, a change like a chemical reaction. It was like vulcanization. A process to harden natural rubber, doping it with impurities, usually sulphur, because natural rubber is soft and of no commercial value. Only problem with vulcanization, its irreversible.
I was thought be impractical, not fit for the world, because the supposed qualification to fit in this world is to dupe the people who trust you.
Words fail me, thoughts run away from me, and once you have used your quota of words, one cannot ask for more words. For while playing with words I come across some sentences, they are thrown from the unknown directions of cosmos. We all are showered with the rains of advice, or SMS in newer avatar. Wonderful they are, for they conjure up a image that is fit with the life we live. A movie reminded me something a few days back, I wish to end this blog-post with the realization.
I have been wrong, and my personal opinion goes to add that wrong should not exist. But if a person is wrong, he cannot be eliminated, rather the identity which is thought to be wrong should be eliminated. Period.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing - Edmund Burke"