Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The man said to me never take mirrors when you move from one place to another, the memories are caught in them, and they chase you to new places.

Dracula, probably that's why had no mirror in his castle, his memories would haunt him, in superlative degree!

I ran from my town, had been running for years, to escape from memories, never carrying a single crystal. But they seemed to catch me, the ghost would stand in front of me no sooner I thought its past. every time the man was proved wrong, but I always believed him, yet couldn't disprove his statement.

Atlast, today I was left with no options. I was trapped in the web of life, a job to support every single day of existence. And even in the momemnts most true to heart I could not run away.

I had to see present change into past as the train moved away from me. I knew the memories would be with me looking into rear-view mirror as I tried to start the car. I didn't tried to run away from mirrors and memories now, they seemed more true to me.

And in this sudden moment of realization, I felt warmth around the core of my eyes, something reflected back from mirror, and the truth dawned to me, how the past is caught in the mirror. A mirror we cannot escape, a mirror trying to break free from memories, yet catching more of it.

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